HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Hello..ppl out there..haha..Hmm my mood seem very good.Actually not really but wan to make some statement here (I'm so proud of myself,cheh~wa) it goes..First of all I would lik to say "本小姐所说的statement不代表本台的立场??"..hahaha...erm..我也不知道我在干麻。。But I just wan to help my audience n get them some info...I din really mean to hurt others(If I do)...But I'm only making some fact(truth wit proof)...Mcm talking bout law =.="..Ini only a statement which I made in my blog..which mean I hav the hak utk membuat sebarang kenyataan berdasarkan bukti bukti yg kukuh..Ini adalah Blog munnyblogy dimana ,segala blog yg dipaparkan merupakan hak milik munnyblogy dan segala kenyataan dipaparkan merupakan & berdasarkan pendirian penulis.Penulis hanya mengeluarkan buah fikiran @ pendapatnya ke atas hasil kajian penulis dan tidak mempunyai niat untuk menyinggung perasaan mana-mana pihak. Pembaca mempunyai hak untuk membuat penilaian ke atas kenyataan yg dibuat tanpa menyinggung perasaan sebarang pihak.HARAP MAKLUM (clap!clap!clap!...walao~my BM masih ada STD..proud proud) we u can see on my left hand side there is a linky..U can see a link called'minipose'..Tat is my best fren post where there some cloth o dress u can purchase online from her..there also another blog called "trendyhunt"...sounds great rite..hehe...Today I gonna discuss bout Minipose...She is my best fren n we r close fren...She open a blog where selling cloth online..All the cloth are mostly imported from Taiwan (tat wat the owner said)..Which mean she make an order n those cloth will from Taiwan send to Msia..The sources o production of the cloth is Unknow(for my info)...If u see her blog there got the info bout the cloth lik price ,size n quality n so on....Lik me make some statement here..Ppl online do selling is to earn some $$$..It depend how they make..At my point of view,as a consumer n a viewer..shud think n evaluate every single detail tat they brought before make a conclusion n decision....Here it goes..I get a website which also selling cloth online~~n so coincident tat website also selling the same think as 'minipose' which mean some of the product are the same..But there the different..I think most of the reader already thinking..YES~~~Is the price.....
Here the 18 4ever link
I make an example:(this is the pic tat I copy n paste from their website)
This is 18 4ever sell de price for this item

While this is taking from Minipose website u can see,both picture is the same n so their product is the same.Well my point of view,they shud be taking the stock from the same supplier..But there is a catch~Guess Minipose sell how much for this item.....RM39..YES!I'm not lying...Is RM39...Not cheat I can tell ,if dun believe check her website...She is selling for RM39 while 18 4ever is RM53 meaning differ RM14..I din mean to say tat this bla bla tat bla bla..I'm not promoting..But as I can see tat..Both are earning $$.Is just tat "how much they earn"...A piece of dress...supplier sell out for RM?? then is the seller decision who make the worth of tat piece of dress..Is so fragile tat how ppl 'menilai' a product...
Saturday I went to shopping wit my sis..then we saw a product ..normally they sell RM99+ .But tat day we saw they sell RM78+ ..Plus is BUY 1 FREE 1...I was speechless~..Is the human who judge the worth of tat product..Can even make it worthless..wat I mean by can purchase it only for RM1 o free...In conclusion,u shud judge de product not the product judge u..

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