HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

MUET End Year:Speaking

Just finish my speaking test..Wat i wanted to say is that..I Give tat 'K' skol ppl bully..T.T. I did more worse than the previous Mid Term Exam...First of all, I'm the candidate B but in our session, there is a person who did not attend the test and so everybody place push forward. Then I become the first candidate which mean i'm the first one who speak out..Takut takut..Fine.Then I heard one of the candidate in my group that they're aiming for band 5(good user) which mean they got band 4(competent user) still tak puas hati.I only want to get band 4 (a better n stable position)..Plus+++ they craps a lot bout their result, 4 flat (4 A's) bla bla bla...Then wanted to study medic, dentistry,farmacy... #@%$*&!?. (Eh!, give ppl like me a chance la)Compete with the others la..Why come to 'sangkala' place take the exam..So pandai, go PJ compete with Bkt Bintang o La Salle la..Tat prove u are very good user..I join tat group they all r came from the same skol n also btw fren..I macam a outsider from nowhere.I admit that my personal presentation is sucks but at least give me chance to talk more in group discussion...I wanted to give out my suggestion but that --- guy macam rushing for flight comes to the conclusion.I believe we still got plenty of time but he macam wanted to end it (cause he speak a lot + others)..I wanted to speak out then he says 'In conclusion bla bla bla...WTF...Fine, u guys win. I can see tat i get the lowest mark among them..Fine, See u in the Final..>>Topic is bout crime of child abuse,kidnaping and ...

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