HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Flame of Forest

Last week Thursday, having Bio practical again O.o, Haha(dun so takut). Today we not goin to dissect rats but dissect flower o.O(flower also can dissect???)…ya….Oh, too bad that the previous expt I din put in my blogy, is a combination of 2 expt. That time we dissect the Orchid n last week we continue dissect the Flame of Forest( look like a hibiscus)…Actually this dissection should be doin last few month ago ( even U6S1 student last year already do liao)but the Flame of Forest have season to Flowering + the tree is tall , hard to find n pluck the flower..We been searching everywhere for this few month. And at last we manage to get it…
We goin to belah into half….Huh , really half no more o less, because we need to observe the ovule inside the ovum. We only have 1 try(the flower is limited), If fail then is your bad day la….but some of us manage to get 2 flower( I’m one of them)so can try first.But both flower I also belah right into half (pro le u.u , bio student) + the petal still maintain on the flower cause the petal really very easily drop off n most of my fren their flower all botak liao left the stamen ,stigma n tangkal only..n.n .After cut into half then we observe the flower n then draw it out (+,+) I paling teruk at drawing cause our bio teacher very straight de, the line must be even cannot too thick o too thin cannot too dark o too light… line cannot sambung sambung must one line only….But after long practice , teacher access my first drawing but some of the fren need draw again ..poor them, we take half n hour to finish 1 drawing eh( too bad I hand up my report liao, If can put at blogy)….

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