HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Organic Chemistry, practical

Hey..oh...Btw...I always talk bout my uni life this and that but din really talk bout it...Hmm...just take a few minute blog..okey..hahaha...this is wat I done while practical..So-called i very busy a, bla bla bla..lik bull-sh!tiing....haha..but tat day while doin my practical suddenly feel lik taking some pic bout...This is a distillation practical..tak tau apa tu...go seacrh the web =.=ll...I sendiri(solo) set de distillation set u noe...*proud..CANTIKKAN...haha...Ya, I admit the practical was fun each time coz u get the chance to 'play' wit those chemical...hahaa..But when it comes to writing a report then u start to garu bontot....We are distilling de cyclohexanol to produce cyclohexene...sound fun rite....but the report lik d@mn sh!t takes my bout whole day finishing just 1 report..Image each week got 2 practical then each week must hand out 2 report then each takes my bout half day...mana la ada masa buat benda lain lagi....
This is the distillation set

The reactant,cyclohexanol

The product,cyclohexene...can see the solution...fuyoh~~amazing =="

My coursemate...look so pro but actually not ^^"

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