HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

Thursday, October 23, 2008

One Day at Melaka,Part 2

Hello...welcome to part 2 of One day at Melaka.Witout wasting anybody time....
After fullfill our stomach,we went to 'must visit' n most lame most historical place..Apa tu??yup..Its the A'Famosa..I mean the real one,not the A'Famosa "theme park"..

Haha..sudah lama tak pergi sure must go see again lol..So lama din come ,I thought the monumen is very big but actually reach there my feeling was "har..lik tat ka,why so small liao de, the A'Famosa tugu..haha..

mayb tat time I was a little kid..apa pun big big de..Up the hill is a church n when u up the hill.Here comes my motive,the long time din look at the hav the chance to see althought is very far from it but a least can see the big ocean..feel so peace..hehe..Took some pic..Itu is Francis Light O,O" haha..pai seh not him Francis Xavier the 'paderi' ..Haha..kena ketuk kepala from dad say the monumen was Francis Light =.=ll tak baca history..yaya my sejarah get C...hoho..cannot blame me >,<"...

Then up de hill o.O" weird leh... I saw a cat~..kucing pun tau daki bukit o_O"..Geng ah~took a photo of her..I think she was thinking...
'sapa noob ppl so memboringkan tak my photo,wat a nooby"

To be continue~

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