HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

HunNy~MunNy pekpek Blogy

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Make up & Grooming by Shiseido

Last wednesday...Soft skills department having an event..Yeah..make up n grooming by shiseido....Tot will be fun..but actually is quite fun la.Got free smaple n some voucher lol...Btw...I ponteng my Pengajian Malaysia lecture...shhh...Just once la..not always...since tat time just finish my SB mid-term then malas nak go for lecture so decide liao to go for tat talk...hoho...Since girls is goin for the talk then my fren (the guys) help us to sign for the attendance lol....hahaha...Eh...dun think i'm bad ok..I help them sign a lot too..they shud thanks me..
A lot of shiseido product

Then some tester...on your hand

They giv some trial pack ...

and teach us how to make-up..the model is the student pick among us..Lucky i'm not choosen..hoho..the gal seem lik suffering coz her eye went red when they put her on make-up

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Today just finish my mid-term exam...haih... a sad story has begun...apa benda???
I din do well in my mid term...Macam very relax after mid-term but final is coming soon in 1 month time..No time to do study..Today i nid to rush 2 report since exam on this week n class still go on. I dun hav time to do my report n terpaksa gather everything n done it on weekend..Habis la..tak payah tido..I'm gonna be panda soon..On sem break will see a panda PM...Lately nothing much happen here...some event is goin on but I haven post it out..Pls be patient lol..I try my best to post it out soon...Btw...Is another sad story...In my history ..every year..near miss o escape except last year(working) bday always hav a big gift for me...which is the exam...I can tell ..non of it miss..sure having exam on tat day..This year also not exempted..Coz my bday fall on 12 may..middle of may so most of the time also having mid term o watever la...12th suppose is de last day of exam..I tot wont be so ngam last day also got exam...tak sangka lo..memang pun..more tepat than winning lotery...celaka punya budak...haih..watever long my result is good enuf and i will Gambateh..Got to do my report...Wish me luck n I'll be back soon...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back to KL

Last weekend back to KL...walao..long time din back to KL since CNY...bout 5 weeks liao leh...Miss my brownie alot..First thing i do is hug my brownie..He grown up a lot getting bigger n fatter...haha..lucky he still rmb me ...glab n happy ^^"

Talk bout wat i do at KL, friday nite reach home makan then sleep coz thursday nite only sleep for 3-4 hours then friday got mid term...Blur blur @_@" liao...balik rumah first thing to do is sleep wit my bed..Saturday went to 1U then plan to buy a bag pack n a canvas shoe but in the end din buy it but buy liao few shirt ==ll. Then makan some luxurious food..went to pasta zanmai....hoho...order pasta n some california roll...sedap~ too long time din makan good food..enjoy a lot.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Laksa steamboat~Westlake

Habis aku....Yesterday my coursemate having steamboat at my house...Guess laksa steamboat...Syoknya...As ppl who know me well...I dun eat spicy food not even a little ...celaka punya budak lol...They make laksa steamboat and it is super duper ultra spicy...==ll..For them is lik a heaven enjoying the spicy n hot food but for me is lik a hell....dead meat...In de end, I din eat much but tats not the story.....The climax is the next stomach lik washing machine...glik glup glek ngek o.O"....the whole afternoon feel not well macam sedang cuci my stomach coz get poluted yesterday....the disaster will be back soon so called they will having spicy steamboat after final exam ==ll..I'm gonna be dead